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Thursday, March 21, 2024 | 11 AM ET | 1 hour

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Executive Support for Data Literacy:
How Purposeful  Leadership
Catalyzes Data Literacy Growth

Executives in data, analytics, and digital transformation today are faced with many varied objectives: harnessing the power of AI, sharing data effectively, incorporating data quality guidelines, navigating ethics and bias... and more. But where should data literacy fit on the executive agenda? How can leaders advocate for and support a data literacy program - and why does that matter?

Join this complimentary webinar as Jason Beyer and Paul No from Bridgestone and Valerie Logan from The Data Lodge discuss:

  • How an executive and a data literacy program manager work together
  • Ways in which executives can support data literacy
  • When and how a data literacy program lead can request a leader's advocacy
  • How to overcome challenges and celebrate success together

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Meet our Panelists:

Valerie Logan

CEO and Founder of
The Data Lodge

Jason C. Beyer

VP, Data & Analytics
at Bridgestone

Paul T. No

Product Manager, Data Literacy at Bridgestone 

Data Lodge Community Member
since October 2022

Download our Brochure

Our brochure explains the importance of Data Literacy in today's climate and our approach to running a world-class program - a resource for understanding and sharing Data Literacy's impact.

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Are you ready to discover how The Data Lodge can support your new or in-progress Data Literacy initiatives?

Request a 30-minute introduction to share your story,
meet our team, and determine the best fit to amplify your progress in Data Literacy.

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